Book a meeting with Julia Chanteray

One to one business coaching clients

If you’re a regular Joy of Business business advice client, please book into my calendar below by picking a date and time for our next session together.

Coffee and cake

If you’re interested in working together you can pick a time for us to get together to work out how I can help your business to develop. I call these my coffee and cake sessions, even though most of them are on Skype nowadays.
We can get together for real coffee and cake at a Brighton coffee shop of your choice, have a chat on Skype or you can come along to my office in Hove.


Book a decision making session

This is for you if you want an intensive two hour session to talk about a particular issue or decision you have to make in your business. You can send me details of the issue in advance (the more detailed the better) and set a time for us to get together, either at my office in Hove or over Skype.

Decision making sessions cost £300 + VAT, payable in advance.



Or take the traditional route and email me at